"Everyday" is written as one word with no space between them, and "every day" is written as two words and does have a space between them. They can both be classified as "compound words." A compound word is two or more words put together as a single unit or word with a specific meaning. In the case of a two-word compound word, there may be a space between them or they may be put together as one word.
Does the space between "everyday" and "every day" mean anything, or do these compound words mean the same thing? Don't let that little space between them fool you! It is the key to understanding their meaning. Too many people make the mistake of misusing them. We see it constantly in writing, and most of us don't even realize it. Yes, these two words DO have different meanings and are two different types of words. Don't be one of those people who makes a mistake; learn how to use them correctly when you write!
First, let's take a look at "everyday." It is made up of "every" and "day", but they are put together without a space between them and is considered a single unit. Without the space, "everyday" is an adjective to mean something that is typical, a common occurrence or something that is seen or done each day. For example, "My everyday exercising program lasts 30 minutes." In this sentence, "everyday" describes my exercising program and means a program that I typically do each day. When you see "everyday" without a space in between them, it will always have this meaning.
Next, "every day" also consists of "every" and "day", but here we put a space in between them. With the space, it now becomes a noun. The phrase is used to mean each day. To make it easy, think of "each" as describing "day" so that it means "each day." For example, "Every day I go to work." Every day in this case means "each day."
Hopefully, you will now feel more confident when writing everyday words correctly every day!